
How Quickly Does the P-Shot Work for Erectile Dysfunction?

middle-aged man and wife smiling.

How quickly does the P-Shot work for erectile dysfunction? Before we answer that question, let’s explain what the P-Shot is, how it works, and what it treats.

PRP and the P-Shot

The “P” in P-Shot stands for Priapus who was the god of fertility back in ancient Greece. It is a procedure that treats the penis with growth factors and cellular rejuvenation procured from your blood through platelet rich plasma (PRP). PRP has been used to treat athlete’s injuries and other joint issues for several years. Its purpose is to speed healing.

middle-aged man and wife smiling.

The P-Shot is performed in order help improve circulation, nerve regeneration, and repair damaged cells all for the purpose of improving penile strength and erections.

Blood is drawn from the patient’s arm and placed into a centrifuge to separate out the growth and healing properties of the platelets (stem cells). When treating ED, the platelet suspension (plasma rich platelets, ie, PRP) is then injected into several sites in the penis tissue. However, this platelet suspension at best contains
200,000 to 500,000 available, healthy stem cells; and depending upon one’s age and health, the number and viability of them diminish. For most men, a series of 3 to 6 shots over several weeks to months is required to gain any benefit.

Specialists who understand regenerative medicine the best, know that stem cells harvested from the Wharton’s Jelly from donated umbilical cords after live births, are the truest form: young, healthy, vibrant, and robust. Inside every stem cell, are particles called exosomes. These are the true powerhouses of stem cells. They are thought to play the leading role in cellular repair, producing anti-inflammatory agents, recruiting, repairing, and creating new blood vessels, and developing new nerves while reprogramming damaged ones.

Our board-certified urologist, Dr. R. Clay Williams offers the “P-Shot” called the “Priapus Enhancement Shot” to treat erectile dysfunction at our clinic in Dallas & Texarkana, TX. this innovative therapy does not use PRP, but instead, utilizes the powerful exosomes from the stem cells. Each therapeutic injection contains roughly 40 billion exosomes, which is approximately 8.4 million stem cells compared to PRP, which at best provides a mere average of 300,00 stem cells. So obviously, Elite Enhancement sees the clear advantage of exosome therapy over PRP. Schedule an appointment by texting or calling (903) 732-2005.

Benefits of the Priapus Shot

Men experiencing erectile dysfunction and/or Peyronie’s Disease deal with many issues.

The P-Shot addresses the following problems:

  • Difficulty having and maintaining an erection
  • Soft erections
  • Painful erections
  • Reduced stamina
  • Lack of sensation

With no downtime, no pain, and performed in an office setting, the P-Shot helps to correct all the issues named above including sometimes the resolution of Peyronie’s Disease.

How Quickly Does The P-Shot Work

Every man is different, but we can give some general time frames. Some men see improvement within just a few days. Others it may take several weeks. The peak results usually show up within 3 to 4 months after the initial shot. For others, it may take 6 months for the results to peak.

For most men, the Priapus Enhancement shot lasts 6 months, most times 9 to 12 months. With Dr Williams’ counseling, you may have another procedure at the 6 to 12 month mark.

And the best part, is the therapy is safe, no downtime, and only takes 15-20 minutes.

Contact Elite Enhancement of East Texas at (903) 732-2005 for a consultation in Dallas and Texarkana, TX to improve or eliminate erectile dysfunction with the P-Shot.

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