
Dr. Williams Expert Take on UroFill

dr. williams.

UroFill is the only patented dermal filler penile girth enhancement procedure worldwide. Sadly, but not unexpectedly, others try to ride the coattails of the original without enduring the sweat and blood: durable research, safety protocols, reproducible results, and excellent and satisfying cosmetic results. And oftentimes the case, these “knock off” versions of girth enhancement act as though they, too, are in alignment with the UroFill results simply because dermal filler (hyaluronic acid) is utilized as well. One or two of them comment about their favorable outcomes emerging from a background of two decades of aesthetic excellence. Yes, hyaluronic acid (HA) has been around that long in facial cosmetics, but that does not singularly translate into these imitators having a superior quality technique. Illusionary at best, this misleading information gives the potential client a false sense of perfection, safety, and reproducibility.

No other penile enlargement therapy has been in existence longer than UroFIll, which was envisioned over a decade ago, then roughly eight years passed to invent and perfect the technique. Dr Paul Perito, the founder of UroFill, ensured both safety and consistent results. UroFill uses only an FDA approved hyaluronic acid (a long-chained polymer that occurs naturally in your skin) dermal filler with a proven longevity over other brands and has been used in facial cosmetics with aesthetically pleasing results for years. 

Dr Perito, the inventor, is a board-certified urologist with years of experience and is considered one of the top penile prosthetic implanters for erectile dysfunction in the world. He hand selects the providers he wishes to instruct and instill all of the key elements of his patented technique. In fact, he ensures that the first step to potential training is the requirement that he/she is a physician – a reputable, board-certified urologist with extensive sub training and subsequent niche with a robust practice in male sexual medicine and reconstructive surgery. And the core knowledge base and skill level continue to grow among all certified UroFill providers with constant collaboration and discussions well beyond initial instruction. This solidifies any question one may have regarding whose hands you should trust your most prized possession on your body. The unmatched safety profile, reproducibility, and excellent aesthetic results clearly define what separates UroFill from the others and declares it as the leading penile girth enhancement technique world wide; unequivocally, the patented UroFill is the most reliable technique.

Implications of the UroFill Worldwide Patented Penile Girth Enhancement Technique:

Transparency: with public disclosure of the invention, a patent application must include a detailed disclosure of one of ordinary skill in the art to make and use the invention

Enforcement of Responsibility: this ensures that the procedure is only administered by board certified urologists

Decreased Competition: this helps to alleviate and reduce the risk of non-trained professionals providing the procedure

Fostering Innovation: through ongoing research and collaboration with all of the national and international certified members

UroFill continues to flourish and dominate the current market given the unfortunate and growing dissatisfaction with the failures of alternative options – “knock off” dermal fillers, silicone injections, PMMA injections, fat transfer injections, and silicone surgical implants; these can lead to poor, unsightly cosmetic outcomes and oftentimes, grotesque complications. You deserve better — you deserve the best.

On behalf of UroFill, both as a provider and representative of the brand, I ask you to do your due diligence. Vet all options. Do your research. Investigate any other option or technique you may find for penile girth enlargement. Who invented the procedure? Who is providing the training? Who is actually performing the girth enhancement? Ask for transparency. 

Enjoy the journey you (and your partner) are about to embark upon! Be excited about your newfound revelation – your decision to do something unique, something rewarding. And rest comfortably knowing that you are choosing the safest, most reliable, consistent, and by far the most aesthetically pleasing procedure and will be cared for by a certified UroFill urologist.

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